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Staffing is one of the key elements for any organisation to function smoothly. It is a two-way communication process which renders effective personnel employed who have the right talent for the given field. When we say two-way communication, it involves communication from both hands that is employ and employee. It is a time-consuming process which requires basic knowledge of human psychology and we are here to help our clients with the effective implementation of human resource management. Our team of experts recruits employees who are well-scrutinised under several steps of staffing. This involves the basic scrutinisation of applications and then calling employees for an interview which will determine their spirit to work with our client’s organisation. The basic staffing process includes the following steps:

Manpower Planning Manpower planning refers to the process of estimating the manpower requirement of an organisation. While estimating the manpower requirement, the management generally keeps in mind the available infrastructure including the technology, production schedule, market fluctuation, demand forecasts and so on. Our HR experts ensure that the above-given step is carefully scrutinised and undertaken.

Job analysis In the context of recruitment, one must be conversant with another important aspect of manpower planning viz, job analysis, which is a pre-requisite for any recruitment exercise. Our team of professionals brings in qualified and trained talents who perfectly suit the jobs and tasks assigned to them

Recruitment The term recruitment is often used to signify employment. It is true that normally when we say we have recruited such and such persons, it signifies that we have employed them. But as a part of the staffing function, the term recruitment has limited scope. Our HR team removes this bottleneck on the scope of staff talent.

Sources of recruitment Having determined the qualification and experience required for various jobs involved, our HR team searches for suitable persons and receive their applications. For this purpose, one has to have an idea as to where such persons are available. Hence our team efficiently brings in the pool of fresh talents.

Internal sourcesIn any business, existing employees expect that they will have chances of promotion and will be considered for higher positions before outsiders are considered. Our managers, therefore, may promote and transfer some of the existing employees to fill the vacant positions. Focusing on their payroll management

External sources All vacancies cannot be filled up from within the organisation. Existing employees may lack the required skill, initiative and qualification needed for the jobs involved. Hence our managers have to recruit some people from outside the organisation to determine their skill development.

Onboarding a professional Those looking for jobs often apply on their own initiative. They assume that certain vacancies are likely to arise and apply without references to any job advertisement. Our team of skilled managers keep a record of such applications and contacts, suitable candidates, when they need them.

Training talents Helping the employees to improve their knowledge and skill so as to be able to perform their tasks more efficiently is known as training. It is an organised activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a specific purpose. Training is necessary for new employees as well as existing employees for improving their performance at work. Our team of experts ensure that they conduct professional session and conferences along with different workshops for employees so that their talent can be trained towards a specific direction which is beneficial for our client’s business.

Epsilon Pvt. ltd brings you the sphere of IT staffing in order to bring a fresh pool of talented people who will aid in the organisation.

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